Waterproof Fitted Mattress Protector
A fitted mattress protector is good to have on every bed in your home, whether toilet training or not. They help protect against allergens and keep your mattress free from spills and stains.
The protectors go under the bottom sheet and are generally so soft and quiet and you don’t even know they are there. We wash ours a couple of times a year and they really do freshen up a bed.

- This may seem obvious when toilet training but even when not toilet training, waterproof makes sense. It’s great to have the added protection against a spilt cup of tea, a gastro bug in the night or the cat coughing up a furball.

- Protects your mattress from stains
- Makes clean up easy after a spill or vomiting bug
- Good quality brands are almost invisible, soft and quiet – you don’t even know they are there

- We make from bassinette to super king size
- Pair with a Brolly Sheet bed pad for super quick changes when toilet training.
- At Brolly Sheets we sell two styles, both waterproof. The quilted is a more luxurious, the towelling very functional.

Bed Pad

A bed pad is a square or rectangle pad that sits on the top of the bottom sheet. It may or may not have tuck in wings to hold in place. Your child sleeps directly on the top and so when they wet, you just change the bed pad, no more stripping the whole bed.
It really is ideal to have two. One of the bed and one to change it within the night. This takes the pressure off the laundry and gives you peace of mind if they wee twice a night.

- The surface needs to stay wet so your child feels wet and their brain starts to get the message. Products that stay dry may seem easier on you, the parent, but your child is sleeping in wee soaked pyjamas and not learning how to change the behaviour of becoming dry at night.
- With wings are generally better for children. Most children do move around in their sleep and so can move a wingless pad right out of the way.
- Soft, comfy sleep surface. Remember, your child is sleeping directly on the top. 100% cotton is best.
- No PVC or Vinyl makes the pad less sweaty and more comfortable.
- Easy to wash. This is one thing you don’t need to be hand washing or treating delicately.
- Fun designs and colours. It is important to make your child feel empowered and not embarrassed. Toilet training is something the majority of us go through and it isn’t something to be ashamed of. A pad that is comfy and looks great will help with this.

- No stripping the whole bed makes it a quick change at 2 am. Get yourself and your child back to sleep faster
- I found the longer it took to change the bed, my kids would be wide awake and wanted to play.
- Save on laundry by just washing the Brolly Sheet, so a whole protector and bottom sheet
- Coloured and patterned pads can take away the stigma. They are there to make a bed look “cool”, not as a bed wetting sheet
- Easy to pack up and take on holiday, to grandmas etc
- If you buy good quality bed pads and treat them well, they will last for all your children.
- Easy to wash

- Of course, I have to say Brolly Sheets. I designed these for my kids so they are soft, comfy, 100% cotton topped, breathable and look fabulous.

Pillow Protector

You may be surprised where wee can end up 😉 . But the main use of a pillow protector is to guard your pillows against dribble and sweat.

- Soft and quiet
- Waterproof

- Puts an end to manky brown, stained pillows
- Easy to wash and freshen up
- Great when a gastro bug hits

- There are mainly styles and types of pillow protectors on the market.
- Brolly Sheets sell 3 styles that are all soft, quiet and waterproof. Our cotton version is like a tee shirt material and thin. Quilted is quite luxurious and the towelling version is very functional.
- Get one for every pillow in your house, your beach house or your rental.

Night Lights

A night light can work wonders for helping your child feel confident at night to get up and go to the toilet. Getting up in the dark can be a scary thing.

- A light that isn’t too bright and will keep your child awake. More of a soft glow.

- Giving your child the confidence to get up in the night
- Keeps the Boggie man away

- You can leave the hall or toilet light on
- Buy a night light for your child’s room or the hall
- We have cute animal shapes to suit your kiddies preference

Extra Waterproof Bedding

Weeing up – wet upper layers?
If you have a boy that wees up or a child that likes to wrap themselves in their upper layers, there are products out there to help.

- Waterproof and washable
- Soft and quiet

- Saves washing the blankets or duvet

- A waterproof flat sheet is made of 2 thin layers of cotton with a soft waterproof membrane in the middle. It can be used as a top sheet, or be used as a bottom sheet you tuck in. About the weight of a winter sheet it is very soft and quiet, plus easier to dry as it is one flat piece.
Waterproof doona protector. Again soft and comfy, a great cover for your doona. Keep in mind that because the inside surface is waterproof, it is slippery. Many of our customers pin the corners to their duvet to hold in place. Mesh corners allow for drainage during washing and enhanced breathability.
- One solution a Mum came up with was to use a second Brolly Sheet upside down with her son sleeping the middle. Something I wish I had thought of and if you have two Brolly Sheets, something you could try.

Waterproof Sleeping Bag Liners

I have not come across any sleeping bag liners that are really absorbent. Mainly, I think because they would be too hard to wash and dry out again whilst camping. Our liners are designed for young children that are almost toilet trained and just want some extra peace of mind whilst away at camp or on holiday. They're 170 cm x 70 cm.

- Over-all look. It needs to look like a “normal” liner for comfort, rather than a plastic bag.
- Check your sizes

- Peace of mind for a child at camp or sleepover
- Easier to wash than a sleeping bag
- Great for stopping ground moisture from reaching the sleeper

- Simple sleeping bag liner. Two layers of cotton with a soft waterproof membrane in the middle. One piece of fabric folded and sewn down one side.
- Quilted sleeping bag liner. Still not ultra-absorbent, but will be more absorbent than the simple version.

Bed wetting alarms
An alarm is set off when triggered by moisture and over time the child gradually learns to associate the sensation of a full bladder with the need to wake up.

- Registered as a medical device. Where there are electronics and wee, you want to ensure your alarm is safe for your child to use
- Wired or wireless – your choice. The wired is much easier to use but like all wireless technology, it comes at a higher cost.
- Sealed unit so wee cannot damage the electronics
- No metal contacts so it will not corrode.
- A local, contactable company so you can ask questions or if there is a problem with the alarm.
- Easy to clean

- Great for heavy sleepers
- 80% success rate

- At Brolly Sheets we sell Dri Sleper alarms. These are New Zealand made alarms that are rated as a medical device and which have been sold globally for over 20 years.
- Wired Alarm. The sensor and alarm are connected by an 85 cm wire. The unit needs to be pinned is sewn to pyjama top. Great value
- Wireless alarm. No wires, the unit sits on the bedside table. Adjustable volume. Great for restless sleepers
- Alarm Mat. Great for children who do not want to wear an alarm. Soft comfortable cotton embroidered with liquid detecting conductive thread. Mat is 50 x 38 cm, so not ideal for a child that moves in bed a lot.

Have You Seen Our eBook & Downloads?

Have a look through our Help & Advice section or our Downloads, and if you still have questions about nighttime training. Check out my eBook about 5 Steps to a Dry Night